The Alchemist Entrepreneur
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"How to Be Noticed, Be Valued and Be Paid
by the Clients You Want Most
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Register now for the live teleseminar with Dov Gordon, hosted by
[JV Name] on [Week Day, Month Day] at [Time am/pm Time Zone.

Emails people sent -
after they heard this teleseminar!

I just listened to the replay and it really helped me identify what was missing in my

I too was going straight to the fourth step with little thought to the first three steps and now that
I am equipped with this information, I look forward to the new results that I will receive as I
implement your steps.
So thank you for your transparency and please send me your notes so I can keep on track.
Thank you,
C. L.
Hi Dov

Excellent call – probably the most straightforward and usable strategic marketing advice I’ve
heard for years and put really clearly (at least till the sound went squiffy)
Thank you.
Best wishes,
Richard Gregory
Hi Dov,

I quite enjoyed the webinar and I must say this is one of the best I've listened to in the way
everything was laid out.
You have a nice steady way about you without all the unnecessary hype and extra noise and
energy that just leaves me feeling scattered. (Yup - listened to a lot of those marketers, don't need it anymore. I can't learn from those ADHD types).
Marilyn Zink
Dear Dov,

I listened to your seminar recording several times today - and loved it! I loved most the way
your incredibly powerful stories set the frame from the information before the information
arrived. Brilliant!
Also loved the explanation of the target specific explanation to who specifically you're
speaking to in my copy.
And the take away free information download or information. I know mine own was speaking the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time!
Thanks for that.
Looking forward to the case study seminar you said will hit my inbox next week.
Best regards,
Tim O'Grady
Hi Dov,

Thanks for your time and for sharing such valuable information! I am planning to start an
internet business and will be reviewing your mp3 many times I'm sure.
Thanks again,
Keith Bird
Good morning Dov,

My name is Michael Lewis and I am an independent consultant in Sydney Australia. About 2
years ago, I left a successful corporate career working in the areas of B2B marketing strategy
and customer insights to go solo.

Like many others you have encountered I'm sure, I am good at and enjoy what I do so I
thought why not make a business of it. After all, all businesses really need a deep understanding of their clients to succeed!)

Your webinar totally resonated with me. Since embarking on my own, I have endured ALL of the frustrations that you spoke about… Did lots of reading and trying to do the many things experts say you are suppose to do such as networking, writing articles, blogging, joining associations, doing presentations—all of which have gotten nice FEEDBACK but not generating enough business. I even got a mentor here in Australia who basically just regurgitated much
of what of the Alan Weiss' and co speak about.

Therefore I can honestly say it was very refreshing to hear from a mentor/expert who truly
understands the great frustration that I have been going through.

I found your webinar recording to be very informative. The system you talk about while on the surface sounds so obvious… makes tremendous sense. And those key steps, especially
the first initial ones, are very powerful. Other coaches etc talk about that kind of stuff but the
way you articulate it really spoke TO ME!!

Look forward to hearing from you. All the best for the holiday season and the new year.

Michael L.

I found your phone seminar to be one of the best seminars in the area of sales and marketing
in a long long time. You have a unique talent of separating the wheat from the chaff.
I look forward to your notes and will certainly provide you with a lengthy summation of how I utilized your training. My focus in 2013 is developing a PPC agency.
Peter Phelps
Vermont, USA

My big takeaway: The way you clarified the two big things to focus on.
David Graska
Hello Dov,

I'm very grateful for your webinar. I previously thought I understood the steps, but you clarified the process and showed where I can improve my processes.
I deeply appreciated your focus on the extremely useful information discussing the problems, processes, and solution - without wasting time on extraneous chatter and/or razzle dazzle.
With warmest wishes and gratitude

Ruth Hannah (in Australia)
Hi Dov,

I totally enjoyed your presentation yesterday. I was actually in my car driving from South Florida
to Orlando and I kept nodding my head in agreement with your comments and suggestions. Sometimes as business owners we are so close to the product that we miss the marketing trees
in the clouded forest.
Thanks for the great info.

Margaret Spence
Hi Dov,

I've listened to your seminar and found it extremely useful. I also really liked your relaxed and confident presentation style. I'd like to receive your notes.
Thanks again

Sam Berey

I just listened to your presentation with Danny Iny and thought it was really great. I have always liked the use of stories and anyone's ability to to breakdown a complex idea the way you did.

John Bakator
I've just finished listening to the teleseminar.
As a marketing person you talked about stuff I'd already heard of but had not put into practice
or fully grasped.
I had already decided to spend time focusing on my business during the holiday season so I'm now looking forward to listening again and working through ALL the steps as you've encouraged
us to do (I tend to fast forward to the tactical stuff).
You put your points across in a very clear and insightful way.
Thank you.

Denise Brooks
Hi Dov,

The teleseminar was extremely informative and insightful.
I was blown away by the simplicity of the marketing fundamentals. Sometimes the hardest
things have the simplest solutions. I am in the process of executing on what I have learned.
Thanks for your knowledge and wisdom.
Best Regards,

Mark Noakes
Hi Dov,

Thank you for sharing the teleseminar. It was quite insightful and it has got me thinking about improving our communication. The most powerful thing about this session is that it is a call to action and you can immediately identify where you have been going wrong and wasting a lot of money along the way. I will still need some assistance and would like
to subscribe for the free session.
Thank you so much. This was time well spent.

Susan Lubega
Hi Dov

I just listened to the recording of your teleseminar with Ryan Healey. Thanks it was very good, made a lot of sense. The first step, identifying your 'helium' to borrow from your red balloon, blue balloon analogy was excellent advice. It's not easy though. As a reasonably experienced
marketer who has just left a job in education and started my own web writing business, being
clear about my USP, my niche is what I'm struggling with.
The seminar was fast paced and you mentioned you would send through some notes?
Kind regards,

David Stuart
Hi Dov,

Just heard your teleseminar. Although the sound quality wasn't so good, the clarity of your
message was great. I've heard quite a few seminars on the same topic. Yours is the best. I
liked your clarity and the way you explained things with examples. Thank you indeed.

Andi Shi
Hi Dov,

Thanks for your webinar today. I found it very interesting, especially around using the language
that your customer can relate to. I am building a family business consulting practice and we are
just starting out, so your steps, tips and examples were perfect! If you could send to me your
notes, that would be awesome.
Thanks again!


Rick Pfeiffer

Many many thanks for your seminar, which I finally caught up on today. It was very interesting
for me for a couple of reasons. I am co-director of a company along with my partner and
we are currently trying and failing to get a new product 'out there'. Your steps have really
hit the nail on the head, and have given us plenty to think about and certainly plenty to do! Secondly, I am currently in talks with a friend about starting another business up, totally
different to the one with my partner, and again this, I think, is going to save us a lot of
time and also help us with the 'what next' question!
The seminar was totally engaging and very relevant, and worked really well. I especially liked
the live interaction with callers, it made the experience very real.
I look forward to sharing your notes with both business partners, and moving forward with
both businesses.

Many thanks again,
Sam Thornton
Thank you Dov, this is just perfect. I used to be a webinar junkie and listened to a lot of time
wasting stuff. This is one of the best fluff-free webinars I have listened to in a while.

Temi Koleowo
Hi Dov,

Really enjoyed your webinar this morning. Please can you kindly send over the notes when you get a moment. The most memorable part for me was focusing on Problems that clients have but don't want and Results that clients want but don't have.

I also liked your presentation style and throwing in lots of war stories.

Best Wishes
-- David Bryant
Omnium Management Consulting
Past,Director - Mergers & Acquisitions at Ernst & Young
Hey Dov,

I just wanted to let you know that I loved your teleseminar. It was one of the more thorough
and actionable teleseminars I've heard to date.
Most people promise all these great things and then the content is just a bunch of lame
generalized tips you can find anywhere (including already on the same person's website or
Your content was useful, unique, and made a lot of sense. Thank you so much for showing me
a few of the mistakes I'm making in getting customers consistently.

-- Laura George
I just finished listening to your teleseminar and I am so glad I did. After working ‘til 4:30 am
last night, I decided that instead of waking up early and stepping back on the rat wheel, I’d
stay in bed and just listen to the download - focused, with no distractions. I’m glad I did.
You really offered insights that resonated with me; your process makes so much sense!

Although I might have heard some of the elements of your approach at different times throughout my career, you presented them succinctly and with such clarity that they rang
true. Today, I’ll start narrowing my focus and concentrate on the problems I solve for my soon-to-be defined target audience I want to attract!

I plan to listen to this podcast again, and I’d love to get your “notes” from the call, please.
Thank you, Dov. Consider me a new fan.

Connie Hammond
Hi Dov,
Thanks for a brilliant seminar. I was particularly impressed with the easy-to-follow, step-by-step way in which the seminar was laid out.
I also liked the real world examples. Please send me copy of your seminar notes.
Kind regards,
--P. Bibi
"I can't imagine a better use of my time than catching Dov Gordon's teleseminar. It was packed with great information that is both practical and actionable. Even some of the stuff I already
know was like having someone adjust the fine tuning, providing a dimension I hadn't considered.
I look forward to his future presentations because I know they're going to make me money."

--Bob Massey
Dov, Bnonn of Information Highway said nice things about you. His course was one of the best
things I've ever bought on Internet marketing, so he has a lot of credibility with me. I heard
snippets of your talk today, and recorded it so I can listen to it while doing my elliptical machine
tomorrow, and you made a couple of comments that hit home. For one thing, working with a
mentor, instead of being a lone cowboy.
So I may have an interest in your course next year, and am looking forward to your next call.
--Mark David McReary

Hi Dov,
Great teleconference, today. I enjoyed listening to your ideas and suggestions. You supplied us with several ideas today that we will implement with some key customers... I look forward to Tuesday’s call to see how you worked with Tom and made things happen with him and his company. I would really enjoy seeing your notes so I can put the topics discussed today into immediate use.

Thank you again for a great call with a lot of useful information that I can really use.
--Sean Flanagan
Thanks for the information on the tele-seminar this afternoon... As a marketing consultant
myself, there really wasn't anything new. But you spelled out a lot I needed to hear again.
And your approach of saying things differently was quite helpful.
You are absolutely correct
about the trap of too much information available and how this makes us forget the importance
of mastery. I would also like to take you up on your offer and schedule a one-on-one strategy
session. You are correct in stating that you need to work with a mentor to help master the
subtleties. This is something I have let go, until you struck a blow right between the eyes with
your comment.
Best regards,
--Rich Zetlin
Hi Dov,
Thank you so much, I really enjoyed the teleseminar and now I am clear on my next step.
Can you please send me the copy of notes to the call? Thank you!
Hi Dov, My favorite comment: 'Too many experts, not enough mastery.' Thanks for the time
you spent today on the teleseminar."
--Julian Seery Gude
I really appreciated listening in on the seminar. I find that I have a much more broad focus on
my marketing approach instead of narrowing the focus of those efforts. I just started a job in a
new industry and think that lots of what you spoke about could be implemented quickly.
Thanks again!
--Ryan Adkins
Hi Dov,
I heard part of the original teleclass and just listened to the recording.I have to say I am very
impressed by your insights into why marketing isn't working for many people and your sharp
intelligence and clarity of speaking.
I really enjoyed listening and will listen to it again several
times. There is a lot of value in what you're saying. It's a refreshing change to other marketing
gurus promoting one strategy or marketing channel.
--Richard Atkinson
Hi Dov,
I'm on my third listen and picking more meat each time --->> THANK YOU!
--Richard Atkinson
Hi Dov,
I didn’t get to attend the call yesterday but listened to it this morning. The call was chock full
of wisdom
but there was one piece that really hit home to me. As you have probably guessed
by the title of this email, you connected the dots to the solution of a lifelong problem for me.
I have always craved learning as a solution. You opened my eyes to the reality that as soon as
I learned something, it lost its value. As with many people, I’ve dropped out of many races by
not acting on what I learned or working to become a master.

Thank you for showing me this truth. I’d like to work on this aspect of my life some more. Will
you please send me your notes
and if you have time, send a tip or two about what it takes to
have a desire that outweighs fear?-->Thank you,
--Bill Burpeau
Hi Dov,
Could you send me your notes for the above teleseminar.

I listened to the recording and thought it was has made some of my other study
on marketing really gel...

Many thanks,
--Chris Cairns
Hi Dov,
I've listened to the webinar hosted by Steve Washer and liked it a lot. If you could send me it's
notes and the case study mentioned, I'd very much appreciate.
Thank you,
--Renato Aizenman
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
I wasn’t able to listen in live to your presentation on Customer Consistency, but got the
recording from AJ. Absolutely excellent and really learned some new things. I’d greatly
appreciate a copy of your notes.
Thanks much!
Dan Wiese Marketing Research
I enjoyed the seminar very much and it has really started me thinking about my new business.
I realize that I need to change my approach to my new consulting/contracting business to really
understand the problem or desired result to target my message better. For instance, I have
thought about a free white paper of "How to be successful as a new CIO" or "How your competitor
is using technology for better business benefits - and how you can as well".
I thought that your anecdote of the blind man's message is the key to it all and I'm still thinking
about how to apply that concept to my message, free offer and perhaps revamping my service
offerings. Bottom line is that I don't have the name of my previous company to sell my services
and need to really set myself apart and get the visibility myself.
Thanks again for this free training.
--Walt Lammert
Hi Dov,
For the first time all this is beginning to make sense. It's clear now that I have been spending
too much time with "marketing plumbers." It is super to learn that there is an architect for
designing an effective system for lead generation – who knows how to systematize the process
of obtaining a consistent flow of customers. I am looking forward to learning more about all this,
of the seminar today.
Meanwhile, keep safe in the midst of all the excitement in your part of the world.
Warmest regards,
--Alon B. Christie
Hi Dov,
First, thank you!
We are commercial property/casualty insurance agents. Our issue can be determining one
problem vs many and then developing the free offer that people are interested in. Whitepapers
on insurance aren't normally huge. That said, I know we can learn to couch it in ways that will
appeal: Top 5 Restaurant Insurance Claims—that Go Uncovered (And How to Cover Them)…
something like that maybe.
So, I appreciate the short, sweet, easy system. Taking the thought time to develop the freebie
and more elegantly package our paid offers (too many insurance people just 'send out quotes'
without demonstrating benefits.
The only feedback I might have would be to condense the presentation to 45 minutes if
possible. I loved it, though, so no worries. I hated that I couldn't stay for the last bit after 1:00.
--Brett Cohrs.
Hi Dov,
I just listened to the recording of the teleseminar from last week. Very informative stuff. I want
to start implementing it today and see how I can mold it to meet my needs. Of all the sales
webinars and articles I have reviewed, I believe this one was the most beneficial to me and
gave me the most relevant information.
I was wondering if I could get your notes on the seminar
 for me to review. If I could that would be great.
Thank you.
--Mason McMurtrey.
I was unable to attend the session yesterday live, but I just listened to the recording. I will
incorporate your system into my methodology.
I think it will enable me to pinpoint specific
customer needs
; and begin to create a business case with the contacts that can make the
--Vincent Guidotti.
Hi Dov,
I was on the call and enjoyed it. I am notorious for getting on a teleconference call and
dropping off 10 minutes later
because so often the information is fluffy. I stayed, so there
you are.
--Christine Taylor.
Thanks so much for hosting yesterday's webinar. As a long-time corporate employee who's now
an independent consultant, I found your insights extraordinarily valuable. I really appreciated
how you distilled things into just a few simple precepts.
Thanks again for sharing your insights and experience.
--Adam Snitzer
Enjoyed your talk yesterday. I work for a large national construction firm – an industry absolutely
pummeled by the recession
– and increasing lead volume is critical for our overall health.
Construction, as a rule, is not the most sophisticated sales environment…which only compounds
our challenge. But necessity is the mother of many things – including more openness and
flexibility about how we approach both marketing and business development.
I appreciated the tips (and thanks in advance for sharing your notes) and will share them with
my colleagues across the company. I suspect you'll generate some lively dialogue for us…thanks!
--Wendy B.
Director of Business Development
[Large national construction firm - name withheld by request]
Thanks so much for yesterday's teleclass! I really liked the foundational questions you posed.
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the marketing of our services and the social media tools
that we forget to ask ourselves those critical questions.

I'm in the process of revamping my website (my services are communication consulting, business
coaching and personal coaching). Your ideas will help me take a fresh look at the content on my
site and my service offerings.

--Noreen Kelly
Hi Dov,

I have a small loudspeaker company with a patented new technology, and your seminar has
changed my whole approach to marketing my product.
I now have a better understanding of what I need to do, and how I can “enter the conversation
in my customers’ heads”.
I even understand my own invention better, as I’m now thinking about it as a customer would.
I’ve learned more in an hour and twenty minutes from you than I have in all the 6 years since
starting my business.
Thank you for bringing your insights to us!


Gary Nicholson
Reprovox Audio Ltd
Hi Dov!
Thanks for the reminder email - I finally had the chance to listen to your teleseminar today. I
really enjoyed it, and thought that the tips you suggested about leaving people "hungry" and
really fine-tuning your niche were very helpful. I also enjoyed the live coaching you worked
through w/ the female caller.

I am new to your circle but am excited to learn more. Thanks very much!
--Michelle Lawlor

Hi Dov,
Thanks you very much for sharing your teleseminar and pointing out some of the pitfalls
and nuances. Over the last two years I have absorbed lots of marketing messages and attended
lots of marketing/sales events and this is the first that gave such a good succinct overview
of it and why it doesn’t work for most people.
Your point that most people jump in at point
4 is so true and it includes my own thoughts and actions around marketing/sales.
Thanks again,

--Nigel Hall
From [JV's Name] and Dov Gordon

Tired of doing and doing - but still not attracting the clients you really want?
WOW! Best teleseminar I have ever, ever, ever attended. I caught myself several times with my
mouth wide open in amazement, I kid you not, Dov.

It opened my eyes to a lot of things that I have done poorly, and honestly, it helped me
understand a lot of things I've been doing intuitively to build my successful marketing and selling

Your information was new to me. It really opened my eyes to a number of possibilities and a
much broader perspective from which to view this marketing and selling game. Such great insights
 from you, Dov. Thanks to both you and to Charlie Green for inviting me to attend the teleseminar!

--Don Hall
Got a minute now to be more detailed. I thought the webinar was very informative. I, too,
believe in structure and progression of process in order to lead to the desired result. The program you laid is a winner and I will start integrating it into my sales methodology today!
I sell custom-fitting services for golf equipment and my target in getting Head Golf Professionals
or Directors of Golf to see the benefits of our service and then allow us access to sell directly to
their memberships. Obviously, the key is getting their attention/interest and getting to that via
discussion of their problems (rather than what a great service we offer) should open more doors.
--Robert Welsh, Jr.
There comes a time when you say to yourself: "Enough. I've been working too hard for these puny results. Following all sorts of advice from all sorts of marketing experts. But no matter how hard I work, it's not coming together. It's not adding up... The student is ready. Now, when will the teacher appear?"

I spent too many years struggling to get my consulting and coaching business off the ground. I was doing what the experts were saying. Or so I thought.

Fortunately, like you, I'm blessed with more than a bit of tenacity. Stubbornness. And that little voice inside kept telling me "Keep at it! Soon you'll figure it out."

I watched all the snake oil salesmen on the Internet making huge promises if I'd just fork over $1997. But I refused to bite. "These guys want my money, and then I'll be on my own. I need a teacher who actually cares. Someone who won't just dump a five pound box of stuff on my doorstep. Someone who will really care about me getting results."

The little voice was right, and one day the right teacher showed up.

In this teleseminar you'll learn:
  • The 5 steps to a marketing system that brings you a consistent flow of clients.
  • Why all my hard work - and yours - wasn't producing a steady flow of clients.
  • The stupidest thing I didn't do. There was a simple decision I refused to make. I was scared. And yet not making that decision was simply stupid. Proof? Since making it, I've built a consistent flow of customers and clients. And you know what I see again and again? They, too, struggle to get clients because they refuse to make this decision. You'll learn what it is and how to make. Fast.
  • Why lead generation has been so hard - and how to make it simple, predictable and consistent. This is one of those simple insights that I 'knew' for many years but thought I could ignore. When I finally "GOT IT" my business turned around within three weeks.
Your business should be fun. And nothing will make it fun faster than a consistent flow of ideal customers and clients. If you are a student eager for your own teacher to appear, listen to this seminar. I might be the teacher you've been waiting for.

Enter your name and email address to register and get the call-in details. Can't make it live? Register and we'll send you a recording...